I did it, for the first time in my weight loss history I completed more than one challenge!!! I am so proud of myself. I did the ab-challend and I did my very first dietbet. :) I ABSOLUTELY LOVED being on dietbet!!! I don't know if I won or not, but I loved it. Tomorrow is final weigh-in and I still have a bit to lose, BUT I had such an amazing time doing this. I am doing it again. WOOHOO!!! I am SO incredibly close to my wedding day weight over 10 years ago. A few more dietbets and I hope to be at dating weight 12 years ago. :) That is my goal. It will take a few more dietbets, but I am WILLING and READY!


If any of y'all want to come and join us we have a new game "Antonia's Motivational Boost #2!" I am excited and even more motivated than before. I only knew TWO people in this game. Strangers I have never met and might not ever meet were very motivating. I LOVE IT!!! 

I am proud of myself and just want to scream, "I DID IT!!!!"