Our 2nd game started this week. A few days before the game started I ended up with a pretty bad chemical burn on my abdomen and chest. It HURT bad. I was changing bandages every hour for a few days. Two days ago I went the entire day without a bandage, yesterday I went the entire day without the ointment. Today I am so happy to say I am only pink now. LOL NOT red and big ol' blisters, but just pink. :)


With all of that being said, I was not supposed to sweat or do anything that could cause the blisters to burst. I did NOT exercise and the dietbet had already started. :( I did however take Chris Powell's advice and drink half of my body weight in ounces of water every day. I have NOT sat still. I don't exercise, BUT I am not going to let this be my excuse to FAIL. I am constantly moving, errands, laundry, dishes, organizing, ect. I am not rushing because of the whole sweat issue (when I sweat it BURNS) I am pushing through. I refuse to have anymore excuses. This would have been a good one to just SIT and EAT!!! 


I am done being fat. I am done being unhealthy. I am done being made fun of. I am done not having energy to be with my kids. I am done just sitting around not doing anything. I AM PUSHING THROUGH!!!