Morning weigh-in: 165.6

Down 0.4lbs since yesterday - not too shabby considering the rather large dinner I had. I also hit my 2,500 calorie burn goal. If I stay on track, I should definitely be able to kick those last 3.6lbs before the 25th. Maybe even surpass it! Wondering if maybe I should start a new Dietbet now to go even further? I'd love to get down closer to 155... 

Yesterday did an hourly challenge. Every hour, on the hour: 25 pushups, 100 crunches, 25 fire hydrants on each side. Ended up doing it 8 times, adding up to 200 pushups, 800 crunches, and 200 fire hydrants on each side. Didn't burn a ton of calories, but every little bit, right? Added up to about 1 hour total workout time. After that cheese-stuffed burger with fried onions and aoli I was feeling more than a little guilty (and honestly, a little queasy). So I went home and hopped on the elliptical for two episodes of my show, for a total of 1 hour and 18 min. 

Today my food intake will be much lighter. Taking a yoga class tonight with the sister in law, followed by a healthy dinner. May or may not jump on the elliptical for a bit as well. I'm really digging this show I'm watching :) 

Feeling good and making progress! Hope you all are also finding success in your weight loss journey!