I went through a few days of....dang, What did I do?  I was sounding positive, making the right decisions, talking about it to people, but inside...I just knew that I would lose that 100 dollars.

That's done.  So I've been making plans, thinking about where I fail and what I can change.  That's going pretty well.  But I need more...  For one thing if I join just one game each month, then I'll have this idea that I can skate in week one, get a little serious in week 2, but hit it hard in weeks 3 and four.  That's terrible.  It's a problem to go through life saying to ourselves, "What's the least I can do and still be okay?"  So today I joined another game.  In a week or two, I'll join another.  This way I'll always have a deadline approaching.  I won't be able to get complacent.

Through the years I bought all kinds of fitness equipment.  I didn't use very much of it.  At least, I can say that I've gotten better about using my stuff.  I have a treadmill I use daily, an elliptical I use 3-5 times per week, and a trampoline that I use every week or two.  My 1 year old grandson is obsessed with it and I watch him 3 days per week.  I put that away and then forget to get it back out.

This is going to happen.  I can SEE myself smaller.  In 3 months I'm buying a dress for my daughters wedding.  I've been walking for the last couple of years.  I know that under this fat is toned and tight muscles.  I'm eager to see what they look like :)