This has nothing to do with Dietbet! Sorry!

I've been a lifelong vegetarian, and I have been vegan off-and-on for a few years. This year I decided to fully commit myself to no longer consuming or buying any animal products.

The offensive/annoying thing about veganism is that it's drastic, and that it's the correct way to live.

Anyways, I feel myself getting so convicted about all of it: health, ethics, animal welfare, environmental waste, water waste, deforestation, sustainability. I've been thinking that there are no good reasons NOT to go veggie/vegan. Plus, since I've been eating only plants I've been losing weight with no effort.

None of my meat-eating coworkers or friends want to talk about this, even though I am passionate about it. Nobody wants to change their lifestyles, not even when the environment is concerned. It bugs me that something that I care about so much could be so easily dismissed by the people in my life.

Anyways, I thought I'd put all that out into the void. Any other vegans/vegetarians out there? Hallo!