Day one has been here too many times over the past year. I need to start and finally stick to it. I've done this before, I've been successful. I've been in size 10 jeans for Christ's sake. I'm on a postcard promoting a gym as a success story. Where is that girl? Searching for her has been scary and frustrating.

My therapist challenged me to think of this as a project. She knows me so well. And list of projects

  • A selfie after every workout...hoping to see a difference, not just in the thinness of my face but also in my attitude.
  • this 10% challenge. I had already signed up for a four-week, 4% challenge! but the goal is to get back to that girl last summer. And that girl last summer is 20 pounds away.
  • journaling. Terri really wants me to be more conscience of what I'm feeling when the mouth hunger hits. Can I hit the pause button and stop myself?

and so day one, the last day one. I start this at 199. The ultimate goal is 175. But for now, it'll be 4% (or about 8 pounds before the first of October).

and away I go.