If you read my first blog post. I am so optimistic and excited to begin. Now I'm just feeling anxious (not about just this game), but about many aspects of my life. Have you ever felt that way - teetering between optimism and pessimism.

Snow is piled 2 feet high, the house is a mess, the dog wants out and I'm sitting here in my PJ's blogging about my stressed out life.

The common thread in my life is when I'm stressed my natural reaction is to overeat and for a period of time - Im enjoying it - until my body starts telling me enough is enough.

At 5'1 inches and weight over 165, it weighs me down. My weight just adds to the already sense of being weighed down by my own struggles.

You would think then that the battle for me would begin in my mind, but I had found in the past that if I get my body moving - I start to feel better. The workout (for me in the past it had been using weights) helps to relieve that sense of stress that I package up inside me. And yes, working on improving the thoughts is immensely helpful.

Have a good day everyone.  (p.s.) That's my doggy and the 2 foot of snow.