So excited to weigh in tonight! The combination of going on the wagon w/sugar & alcohol, decreasing the size of my meals from double what I need to appropriate portions, and getting some sweaty cardio in the mix was a perfect 1-2-3 punch to knock off the first 1.7 lbs! Since I've got three weeks before the end of round one, I'm going to try and up my own ante and go for losing a full 6lbs during this first round. That means three more weeks to lose an additional 4.3lbs, which seems totally doable if I'm sticking with this plan.

Although I'm finding it easy to workout on my own, what I'm finding more difficult is finding people to eat healthily with. Where are my friends who are down to share one entree or drink tea with dinner instead of beer? I'm needing some support in this area because it seems the power of overeating and unhealthy options abound, and it feels like I'm really hoeing that road alone right now.

Tomorrow, (shhh - don't tell my friends!) I'm actually really looking forward to working out at the Y, coming home, having a salad, watching some Netflix and going to bed by 10. It took forever for me to finally enjoy time by myself, enjoying exercise for myself, enjoying downtime, and now I'm so excited to revel in it!