Oh woman, did I hit a bump on the wagon last night! Yesterday I skipped the gym, went out on a date, and a glass of wine just sounded so good, especially because he had already had a half a glass by the time I got there. And then a second just seemed to go with the rest of the meal so well.... and I did stop when I was full but then had a bit more and a bit more... And then, because the wine had loosened up my clear thinking, I snagged a lollipop in the uber on the way home. Alcohol is definitely a gateway drug! :-)

So no big fall off and no big binge. In the past I would have seen this as losing all resolve which would have resulted in me throwing up my hands and saying, "welp, I guess I'll just have a half a chocolate cake now and resign myself to a life of sugar and guilt!" But not this time, y'all. Just a clear return to my intention: Today I'm going to get 45 min of cardio in at the gym before going to trapeze class and will be clear about my non-alcoholic drinking tonight when I go out to a party. And in planning meals, I'm weaving in spinach, tomatoes, and other veggies today (after that salt & cheese bomb of a pizza yesterday!) and lessening the cheese and bread. I'm doing great work, and a little bump on the wagon doesn't mean my whole cart has to go careening into the weeds! :-)