With three weigh-outs within the next week (2 kickstarter, 1 Transformer round 1), I'm noticing so many people posting that they're 5lbs or so from their 4% (or 3% in Transformer) goal. Slip ups happen, maybe you aren't going to win every game you join. Life happens. The best advice I have is that if you plan on continuing with more DietBets, stay consistent. If you keep going at the same steady pace throughout the game, you're going to have an easier time hitting and maintaining your goal. You'll also be able to keep your momentum going after the game has ended.

My biggest issue with posts about being far from goal has got to be people asking other players how to lose 5 or 6lbs in a few days. These games aren't meant for you to heavily restrict or over exert yourself to win back your money. 30 days is sufficient time to lose 4% of your weight if you strictly monitor your food and live an active life.

3,500 calories = 1lb of body fat
17,500 = 5lbs of body fat

You don't have to eat "clean" 24/7.
You don't have to stop eating all bread.
You don't have to stop having a glass of wine. 
You don't need to go to the gym 7 days a week. 
You don't need to feel guilty about having a piece of cake. 
You don't need to spend money on shitty MLM products. 
You don't need to follow the military diet. 


You should practice moderation.

You can totally have a piece of toast.
You can have a glass of wine.
You can eat less calories than your body burns and lose weight.
You can have a cheat meal here and there.
You can eat healthy for the same price as eating crap.

DON'T let one minor slip-up snowball into a major setback.
DON'T beat yourself up.
DON'T give up.
DON'T forget to love yourself.

Focus on your health and not making yourself miserable.