Just a quick entry to say how proud I am of how I ate and exercised over the weekend (so far). On Friday night I went to a party, had a few drinks, some candy, a slice of birthday cake, but this did NOT create a huge downward spiral for the evening. (It did, however, create a doozy of a hangover the next morning.) So Saturday felt like a clean slate with no regret, remorse, or need to either slide into oblivion or overcorrect some terrible misstep. I had a reasonable sized brunch with a friend (could have used more vegetables, but hey, at least I didn't overeat). Then I went to the gym and ran for 45 minutes. HOORAY me. This is the most I've run in a year or two. I've been working up to it, and having a Tarantino movie on the TV definitely helped. I also felt so good afterwards, stretching and working on my splits, and this endorphin high and all around sense of well being when I work hard enough to SWEAT is definitely a great positive feedback loop. Last night really came the test, though - I went out to one of my favorite pubs with friends, a place where I notoriously love their hoppy beers. But since I was feeling so good from the gym, I felt great in my clothes, made a plan to get some greens and skip the suds, and it worked! I drank club soda, had a side salad and half of the macncheese w/ veggies (special order - I don't mind asking for exceptions) :-) I'm so proud of how I was able to enjoy "guilty" foods in moderation instead of the "black and white" mentality I had to cling to in the past. This is a huge gift of improving my health in community. Thanks you guys!