Really just a title to be funny - I'm actually feeling really good. Today I utilized my workout of eliptical, running, and weightlifting to banish the brain weevils left over from my office bully. Combined with my meditation practice and self-confidence building affirmations, my workouts are giving me a giant playground to get out stress and to expand my breathing room and perspective. I often find myself reflecting on the necessity of both of these practices: Every day I train my heart to warm, relax, expand, allow (even if what is in the space is fear or sorrow or dread), and I train my body to incline towards better health.

That's the 3-step plan, every day: 1. Show up. 2. Open the heart. 3. Sand the sculpture.
Now sometimes I have a hard time showing up to do this work, but that's okay. It's still my intention. Sometimes the heart-opening is harder or seemingly impossible. Also okay, and it's still my intention. Sometimes I can't make it to the gym or decide that drinking bourbon with a dishy guy needs to be prioritized over getting 8 hours of sleep or a healthy meal. That's okay (actually more than okay, right? 'cause that's also fun and is balanced out by hard work and blends into the moderation melange), and it's still my intention.

My last weigh-in already put me squarely in the Round 1 pot, but I know that with some of the indulgences over the weekend and the hardcore weight lifting I've been doing, I'll need to check in tomorrow to make sure I'm on track for our official weigh in on the 9th-10th. I'm excited, though. And I'm both looking back at the accomplishments over the last month and looking forward to the road ahead. Hopefully in a day or two after I do the weigh in and measure my inches, I'll be enthusiastically patting myself on the back, not just for the accomplishment, but for my dedication and ATTITUTE ATUNEMENT through self-compassion on this path. The mindfulness I'm stewarding is giving me real-world results: I'm noticing how I am automatically choosing small/appropriate portions now, even when other things are on my mind. (Today, I put leftovers on my plate, realized I had twice as much as I needed, and put half back even though I was on the phone with a client!) In short: Go me!

In the weeks ahead, I'm looking forward to weaving back in some dance classes and yoga as well as possibly doing a juice cleanse (which I LOVE when I'm in the right frame of mind). And I can tell I'm going to need an partner or buddy in the next month or two to make specific commitments to around food & exercise (especially seeing how easy it is to slip off the wagon and not get up for days).

Anyone want to detox by giving up refined sugar, dairy, and/or bread with me for a few weeks??