A few months ago, I used to TURN UP BIG TIME!!! I did 15 different line dances, various workouts, and walked over 10,000 - 20,000+ steps on a daily basis. I even walked across the Brooklyn Bridge twice a week during the summer. I had so much fun!!! :-)

Then in September, I got sick and had to get on Prednisone. After I started taking that medication, I gained weight at a rapid pace, and I ended up right back where I started before I joined DietBet (249.8 pounds). I could no longer go for my long walks or do my line dances because I started suffering with severe lower back pain. 

Well, today's a new day!!! I've lost some weight, and I've started my Accountability Assignments again. WOOHOO!!! I can't do much, but I did get started. I believe my small steps will render huge results!!! Hopefully, I won't suffer with too much back pain in the AM. LOL!!!

Accountability Assignment - Day 1 - 3/7/16 

Chris Powell's Level 1 Workout (15 minutes) - DONE

8-Minute Yoga Sprint Workout by MASHUP - DONE

4 sets of 30-second sprints with 30 seconds of rest - DONE

It's getting late, so now I'm gonna take a hot bubble bath by candlelight, and drink me a 20-ounce cup of green tea while listening to some smooth Jazz. Family: I'M BACK!!! I'm not able to TURN UP like I usually do, but I still TURNED UP!!! :-)

Until tomorrow, have a wonderful evening Everybody!!! :-)