Just a brief note to acknowledge that I have bitten off more than I can chew this week. A yellow flag is that throughout my meditation tonight I was preoccupied with everything I'm squeezing in tomorrow. An orange flag for this is that's it's Tuesday and I'm already vowing to not make plans for the entire weekend to compensate for the overscheduling. Of course, the extremes tend to pair with each other, non?

Anyway, I'm super stoked to report that I've lost a combined 4 1/2 inches from my underbust, waist, and belly measurements. I could already tell last week that my midsection was getting whittled, and it's great to have the numbers come back confirming my impressions. I was also really enthused by another member's post this week about putting on her "skinny jeans" and being able to button them without a problem and leave the house feeling proud and happy. She inspired me to try on my skinny jeans this morning, and while I'm probably a few months away from fitting in them, it was so great to know that I could pull them on (can't button them yet - that day is waiting in the future for me)!

I'm also really grateful for the e-newsletter I sent out today which gave me a chance to reflect on compassion as a pragmatic tool (http://us9.campaign-archive2.com/?u=15cfb0fea854e548ae46790b9&id=9963ae6de9), for all the people in my community who mirror back to me ways of being healthy in the world that have nothing to do with beating yourself up, and for the growing feelings of ease, joy, and TRUST that I have as this journey unfolds. 

Looking forward to weighing in tomorrow!