I'm so excited to start my detox today - vegan whole foods recipes that taste great and make me feel great! I spent all of today getting groceries for the next two weeks and making meals: yummy Szechwan tofu & brown rice, broccoli & tempeh with a tangy pineapple sauce, quinoa & berries and protein smoothies for breakfast. And I have a 6am gym date w/my housemate tomorrow morning. So great! 

I also have a date tomorrow night, and I received really good advice to just mention lightly & up front that I'm on the wagon & eating healthy, and he was super on board with that. I'm excited to get intoxicated off the chemistry between us instead of the booze.

The one thing that's easy for me to leave out that I want to be sure to include is WATER. This has been sorely lacking for me in the last few months, so I'm going to invest in a cute water bottle to be my sidecar from here on out.

Lastly, it wasn't easy for me to carve out more "me" time during the next two weeks to get in workouts, meditation, & decompression time, but I did, and now my task is to keep those boundaries. If anyone has advice about how to keep strong fences around self-care time, please let me know. Thanks!