The best thing you can do is strive for balance in your diet.  That should be end goal.  There are many roads to weight loss and different diets to get us there.  I lost 90% of my weight so far eating absolutely tons of veggies. Half a cup of fruit in my protein shake smoothies.   I would have a breakfast sandwich  with a Skinny English Muffin made with whole foods like flax,  egg and coconut oil.  I myself enjoyed generous healthy fats such as an avocado a day. I did have to quit wheat.  It is just an inflammatory food for me. 

I ate moderate fruit keeping a close eye on  not spiking blood sugar cause I  am very sugar sensitive.  Or should say was.  Healthy eating has made my blood sugar now incredibly stable. Guess that's NSV  for sure!

Some may think  I am against starchy carbs but that is not true..  Qunoa,  oatmeal, healthy cereal, pasta, potatoes,  popcorn, Chia,  flax,  rice,  whole grain bread if you can eat it are awesome.  You can have these filling foods in moderation and still loose weight. You can  drop a lot of weight decreasing their portions for sure.  Balancing supper with more veggies and salad  You may in a longer weight loss need to try different ratios or combos of food to keep dropping weight. Often at a plateaue a diet and exercise change up is required.  So don't get to tied to one diet. But do file away the healthy things you have learner for maintenance or lifestyle. 

I am a believer in coconut oil,  avocado,  olive and avocado oil.  Nut and seeds.  All the healthy fats. I enjoy dairy and cheese.. I void highly processed foods. Corn and Canola come in contact with heavy pesticide use so consider avoiding those. Also know your cooking oil heat temperature and use them appropriately.  Coconut  and avocado are great high heat oils.  

So the above eating was how I dieted for the past 3 years.  I made it to and been maintaining around the 138 when not pregnant and such. And this healthy diet  brings me back on track every time. 

So I am experimenting with the ketosis diet.  A low under 30-20 net carbs.  Hoping this will bring me down to goal line.  I have always  been a more protein  than carb girl.  Mostly for stable blood sugar reasons.  But this is dramatic.  Most dramatic is the super high fat.  Like a high 75 % of your diet fat. It is out of my comfort zone.  I will openly admit that. And yes there are lots of veggies on this plan despite what some may think:)   I am being open minded and seeing  dramatic weight drop.  I feel hopeful of moving past where I  was stalled. I will mention it wasn't a bad place to be.  I  just wanted to experiment and get down to my old weights from over a decade or so ago in my young 30s. 

My earlier blog I was trying to explain to not causually incorporate the ketosis super high fat recipes unless you are on the ketosis plan and in ketosis. As we all share recipes.  There are several of us this months doing ketosis dieting and it is great for us to share recipes. Some of these recipes like my flax English skinny muffin are fantastic on any diet for weight loss. Some you need to wisely look at its components and  decide if it works with your current plan. 

Here is to all of us reaching goal. We may be on different legs of this journey. We may be on different diets but can help each other get there none the less. Most of us have tried many different diets as we push through the various plateaus of weight loss .  Always so wonderful to have the support and guidance each other brings. Hope this sorts any confusion or misinterpetation.  I'm always an advocate for healthy veggies,  organic when you can (after all I keep bees,  a massive  garden and have egg layers).  So I passionately believe in that healthy lifestyle. Let's just do our best. 

Let's Warriors on all the way to our hopes and goal!