Throughout this entire process it has been amazing to see how my body has been transforming. From barely running 1 mile to sprinting 3. To being barely able to lift 15 pounds to lifting 30 pounds with ease has been the most amazing process. Seeing how creative God has been in making the human body has been quite astronomical. Seeing how God has been able to give me the strength to  curb my cravings and remind me how eating healthy will not only allow my body to transform but it will help transform my mind. Today I almost hit a road block. I was running on the treadmill and I was falling into the mindset of comparison. I looked to my right and to my left and was comparing my 183 pound body to the 140 something girls on my left and right. I became so envious of their body and almost hopped off the treadmill there. For whatever reason I kept going. I kept thinking more and more how much I hate people who are  "skinny fat". The people who can literally eat crap ALL the time and not show any weight. I swear sometimes I can look at a doughnut and gain pounds. However, as I was praying over this temptation to continue to think negatively I was reminded at how GOOD my body was feeling. How strong I felt. How my insides no longer hurt. How I was able to absorb foods better. How I no longer crave salt, bread, and chocolate but now I crave string cheese, berries, and quinoa. God has created the human body truly amazing. Looking back at through Genesis has been an amazing reflection throughout this process. God created and saw that it was GOOD. As I continue this journey I want to shift my prayers from dillegence to seeing good. Rather than focusing on comparison to my fellow sister or brother, I would rather celebrate their progresses and the beautiful body God gave them to do good work. So rather than focusing on the people who are skinny fat and making an active choice to be jealous- I am making a consious decision today to celebrate the body that I was given and continue to sculpt it into the beautiful creation that God created.