April has been a crazy month for me. I found out I was accepted into grad school at the begining of the month! So that lead to a crazy amoung of "celebrating". I tried very hard to manage the amount of celebrating I did, but unfortunately I fell into the temptation to eat. I noticed some very alarming things once I went back to eating shit  I mean unhealthy foods. I was lethargic....like all the time. I didn't want to engage in social activies as much...because I was so dang tired!! I was trying to play this vicious cycle of trying to keep up with homework and sleep. Throughout this time I also got a cold....so I couldn't work out for about a week due to being all stuffed up. I was unhappy and sliding deeper into the hole I once found myself. So ashamed I weighed myself....190....I had gained back 5lbs in 2weeks. I was consistantly losing 1.5 pounds a week so this was a major setback to me. I almost cried once I saw that number and wanted to cave. I thought was it so bad to be 205lbs? I could eat whatever I wanted, drink however much I wanted and workout as little as I wanted....


Then I stopped. What the actual F..... I had come so far. I had avoided these temptations for months and why now was I deciding to cave. I experienced a taste at what a healthy lifestyle looked like. Finally having a healthy relationship with food was encouraging to finally see. I finally saw myself winning an uphill battle. Right then and there I wrote down my new weight being 190 and vowed never to see 200 again. It was such an overwhelming momement. In the past when I had lost 15lbs-20lbs, I had always given up at somepoint because I backslid several pounds and just gave up. Well, today I am making an active decision to get back on the wagon. It's going to be hard, it's going to be difficult to say no to those foods that make me literally sick, lethargic, and ultimately fat. I am saying yes to foods that keep my acne down, stress at bay, and help me become the best version of myself. 


I posted a picture a while back in this dietbet how I talked about how in weightloss you can't outrun your fork. I saw that today firsthand how I let my fork out of control. I let go of control for two weeks but I am taking those back today to continue the race that is set before me to become the best possible individual I can become. 


Something that has always motivated me throughout this entire process has been 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, " Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,  for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. " Wow, friends that is a crazy verse to apply to weightloss. Our bodies are literally not our own- so why not keep the best possible care of them? Why not see what next level we can take them to? God has created us with beautifully created bodies that are capable of many things. But just like the importance of emotional and spiritual wellness are, if we are not physically well, our bodies are imbalanced. 


So fellow dietbetters, I challenge you today. For all of those who are on the wagon, recently fell off, or are hanging on for dear life, please remember that you were bought with a price and that each body is a temple for the holy spirit. Treat this honor with respect and provide motivation to continue to run the race is set before you. 


Cheers to Jumping back on the wagon and running full force towards the cross.