I'm 10.5hrs into a 12.5hr nightshift and I've have two cups of tea, a banana and a yoghurt.

That is pretty impressive to me.  A month ago, I would have come to work armed with a whole bag of meals and snacks to 'get me through the night', and that wouldn't have stopped me from hitting the department cookie supply.

Tonight, I have been mindful of my goals, and been aware that my food choices have consequences.  While I have roughly the same cravings as before, I am more careful to separate hunger from boredom or stress, and make better choices to satisfy it.

I feels like such a small thing, but I would usually have eaten 400-800 cal of empty calories by now, without even thinking about it, so it feels like a real win to avoid them without feeling too deprived.

Hope everyone else is having these little moments of win, too.