These dietbet sessions I have been in the last 3 weeks have definitely been very difficult mentally. Though I am currently the lowest weight in over a year (probably more than that) I have little interest in counting calories or truly in the weight loss mentality. Most days I don't wake up saying "today I will do my best to lose weight" I definetly have my wins such as fitting into all my old clothing and feeling comfortable in sleeveless shirts. I also started to train for a half marathon (hopefully making that into a marathon come the end of the summer). I am currently transitioning into a whole food more plant based diet. As I am a wildlife researcher, the ethics to consuming meat never really set well with me to begin with. Recently I started to learn about where most of food comes from and more imporantly what is going into our food. With this knowledge, I have no desire to consume processed foods or animal based foods. In fact, the more I am learning the more repulished I am. My stomach has not been in a good state the last few days and I am not sure if it is due to not consuming processed foods, animal products, or I am mentally making my stomach hurt with the idea of what I am putting in my body. I am almost to my dietbet goals and I currently still have 11 days left. I think I can make it and hope that my body transitions better to these diet changes.