This is my 2nd diet bet. I find it amazing as hard as I worked to get that 4% off my body it felt like it took 4 seconds to put some of it right back on. My first round really helped me to get my eating in check. 

I opened Kelly's email and was excited! I have been in limbo on which direction I've wanted to take with my workouts. My work out routines have always been my go to on relieving stress, focusing on myself and a way to force myself to block out distractions, I immediately felt that her challenge would do just that. I noticed her post about those that may be intimidated. I'll be honest. Working out has never been the difficult part of this process for me. I can be disciplined 6 days a week. Tell me I can't have a donut when my mind has decided it wants one....pffft. Good luck with that. I think what's most important above anything is people remember that small change equals big change. I don't think Kelly shared this with the intention of having every diet bet member become a expert at her challenge. I think she created it with everyone in mind. We are after all, doing a diet bet challenge. Difficult all by itself we need to be challenged and what's most important is doing our best regardless of what that is and what level we are at.

My goals this time around include portion control. I'm attempting to do a 21 day fix style portion control meal plan. I'm also trying my best to work on not eating so late or waiting too long to eat. I also am following Kelly's challenge plan she emailed as well as the usual water and healthier choices. I'm nervous. Because the number I need to see at the end of these 4 weeks is a number I haven't seen in months. Work has become busy and will be so it means my meals and food must be planned in advance. It's the only way to make this work.


Fail to plan, PLAN TO FAIL.


I'm also determined and I think this is what my focus is. Not the number on the scale or the workouts or food. 

One day at a time.