It is now September and I need to start school.  Routine is my best friend when it comes to fitness.  Even though the game doesn't start til next week, I want to start working my plans into my life this week so next week I am ready to go.

Here are my ideas to help me lose 4% body weight in 4 weeks (a feat that I have never attained before):

Alcohol - 1 unit per week.

Exercise - two times a day M-F, once on Sat. Day off on Sunday.  I hope to do my cardio runs/ellipticals in the morning and some sort of strength or yoga or fitness class in the afternoon.  

Food - my biggest problem.  I have planned out breakfast and lunches for the week while at work.  I hope to still be able to cook dinners but to focus on portion control.  My biggest problem time is after work til bedtime.  I plan to have to exercise before having a snack - pushups or planks or a walk.  This is my plan M-F.  I know weekends tend to be harder to stay to a routine.  I want to work on that as well.  

Diary - I already use and want to continue along with using this site.  

I was going to keep this post private, but I think I might have more motivation if I make it public.  Hopefully it helps.
