Hi Everyone! 

Here's my menu plan for this week.  If I don't do this ahead of time, I'll make poor choices when I get hungry. 

While these aren't the healthiest, cleanest, or most whole foods, it's what I can do right now.  You should've seen my menu a year ago!  I'm the person who had a hard time switching to reduced fat from whole milk, and who, until recently, could not imagine eating brown rice or whole wheat bread. 

So if you're a clean eater - that's awesome (and I'm a bit envious), but you'll probably just want to stop reading now.  However, if you're struggling with what to eat or just wanting some ideas for your own plan - then maybe this will be of some help...


Kashi Go Lean Crunch (Honey Almond Flax) w/Silk Almond Milk (Vanilla Unsweetened) w/ fruit


Chobani Greek Yogurt w/mini dark choc chips & almond slivers w/fruit



Leftovers from night before


Salad w/ turkey or chicken



-Turkey burger on whole wheat bun, baked sweet potato fries, green salad

-Chicken & Black Bean Burrito Bowl (recipe from MyFitnessPal: http://blog.myfitnesspal.com/2014/08/chicken-black-bean-burrito-bowls/ which came from 24carrotlife.com)

-Taco Turkey Rice (low sodium seasoning) plus raw veggies

-Grilled Chicken w/Salad

-Chicken Enchilada Casserole plus raw veggies

-Subway (eat fresh! on that day I don't feel like cooking)


Snack Choices:

Apple w/string cheese

1/2 cup Homemade Trailmix (1/2 cup of all ingredients: peanuts, cashew pieces, Cheerios, raisins, dark choc M&Ms = 279 calories/serving)

Reese’s Protein Shake (Blend 1 scoop Choc Protein Powder + 1 TBS Peanut Butter + milk of choice (2%, FF, soy, almond, etc) + a few ice cubes)



We got this!!