Just the facts

Maura L.

12/03/2016 4:45PM
Ok, I promised I would document this experience, only I stopped documenting when things went wrong, but here is what happened. I stuck through and never cheated. I didn't exercise. Never have, really. I lost two pounds and then put it back on. Now I lost the two again. This makes me 2.6 pounds away from my goal. This is never going to happen for the 8th of December. In any case, I have to figure out if this has been worth it for me. The answer is ...........YES!!! TOTALLY! For one month, I was able to stick to this for fear of being embarrassed. Losing the money hurts too. But here is the thing... I was able to lose 7 lbs which is more than I have been able to do in the past two years. So the money was totally worth it. Now that I know how my body works, I won't be doing another bet because the goals are too aggressive for me and I can't seem to control my weight. I have joined another bet. The StepBet. At least this I have direct control over.

Games played


Weight lost

-6.1 lbs



Ready To Try Something New?
Have Fun. Lose Weight. Win Money.