Hi Everybody!!!

Before I get started, I have some good news: Although I had eaten 2 grilled cheese sandwiches yesterday, it didn't affect my weight. I didn't lose & I didn't gain either. YAY!!! As Tony The Tiger would say: "That's GREAT!!!" :-)

I'm in 2 different Transformer Challenges, and there's a strong possibility that I may not win one of them. Since that challenge began, I've experienced hurdles left and right. I could have given up by cancelling, but I wanted to stay so that I could motivate & inspire others as we all strive to achieve our weight loss goals. Now, the bottom line is: If I don't lose 4 more pounds to reach my 6% goal, IT WILL BE OVER FOR ME IN THAT CHALLENGE!!! THE STRUGGLE IS REAL!!! I'm gonna put my best foot forward & try to make it happen, and I have 6 days (including the final weigh-in day) to do it. If I don't make it, it's all good!!! I still had a blast with my DietBetter family!!! Still going strong though. It ain't over til the FAT LADY SINGS!!! I hear her humming though. LOL!!! Wish me luck!!! :-)

Now, here are my results for Day 7 of my 5,000 Steps Daily In 30 Days Challenge:

Accountability Assignment - 12/6/16

Completed 6,563 steps (walked 3.28 miles; burned 2,771 calories) - DONE

Jumped on mini trampoline 100 times - DONE

7-Day Streak - I'm still going strong!!! WOOHOO!!! :-)

It's getting late, so I'm gonna call it a night. Day 7 - COMPLETE!!! AND KITCHEN IS CLOSED!!! Have a good night Everybody!!! :-)