I have really gotten into working out, and getting healthy. I am ashamed to say that i let my competiveness get the better of me. I was at the Y like I am daily, and I did my ellipitical and weights and finally was going to do my five miles on the statonary bike. I walk over and another lady was already biking but going twice as fast as i usually do! The Catch? She was at least 70. I got on my bike and was thinking " I'll be damned before I let her go faster and farther than I am!!" (told you it was bad) I went all out my left knee that i have had three surgeries on not very happy at all with the papid pace. I went at least five miles in hour faster, and finished my usuall five miles, and was proud that she left before i did. Yes , I won, but she was after all like 70.. so sad. Did i pay the price for being an ass? Oh yes I did. My knee hurt so bad the next day I didnt even go to the Y and gained one pound. I did learn the lesson of going at my own pace, and today when I worked out next to her I went my own pace and even talked to her while we rode!! I have to biofreeze my knee but still got a good workout in. My scale better reflect that tomorrow! Denise