2016 was not a great year for many of us.  An ugly election season and a world that seems topsy turvy. I gained a few pounds back, and have had a few minor health issues.  But, I am ready to start a new journey.  I recently enjoyed a lovely holiday with my husband, four kids, and lots of extended family.  My children are all doing well, and I have started a new job that I really love.  Now it's time to get my health back on track so I can be fully present and enjoy the good things in my life.  So, this evening I will celebrate the end of a year that I am eager to put into the history book, and celebrate the beginning of a new year of opportunities for a kinder, gentler world, and a healthier, more energetic me.  Wishing you all a great start and looking forward to facing our challenges, setbacks, and progress together!