Hit 248.6 lbs today.  Can't believe it's been 41 lbs down since I started this journey.  Though I do admit that the restricted calorie intake has made my workouts rough.  I'm thinking I'll add a protein shake to my pre-workout drink in the AM.  I don't like getting shakey halfway through my workout.  Completing the work out and burning the calories will offset the added fuel from the drink and I'm less likely to lose muscle mass that way.  I've also added a quick evening workout, or more accurately, a go on my Bowflex Max Trainer.  The Max Interval Traning workout is only 14 minutes.  Knowing that I'll be doing this about an hour and a half before bed keeps me from snacking after dinner.  Though I think boosting my heartrate that late in the evening is making it harder to fall asleep.  I'm usually out within a minute or two from hitting the pillow.  We'll see if that continues.  

That's all the news for now.  Still heading toward that 205 goal.  Have not seen that weight in decades.