1 Day At A Time :)

Sandy B.

08/03/2017 4:50PM
Good job! I use Leslie Sansone videos almost everyday. I have a few of her DVD's, but I like variety. :) Take it a little at a time and you'll get stronger everyday. I'm 61 and I do 30 minutes a day. I'm thankful for you that BP didn't last, but it was used as a "wake-up" call, which is a good thing. One day at a time. :)

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Thanks Sandy, that's so kind of you to comment. I'm so glad Leslie's videos are helping you. I find her to be so genuine and kind in her videos. The people working out with her are all shapes and sizes which is nice too. And yes you're very correct - BP was a huge wake up call for me to do something about my health.

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