I know I have many weaknesses, but the one that plagues me the most is getting strated and losing interest.  I saw a journal the other day with the commit 30 idea.  I thought this will pair perfectly with this round of DietBets!  

I am committing to 30 days of stopping by here and checking in...some days will be rants, others will be excitement and recounts of tales of glory.   I'm playing 3 DietBet games, a StepBet game and will continue to ramp back up the run/training for 2 half marathons coming in November as we transitiion from summer to fall.

I worked so hard training for my first ever half marathon in Sept of 2017.  I did it, I did'n't die, but then what...Life went on and I wasn't training for a race and I started just surviving...not living life to its fullest.  I've gained back almost 10 pounds and decided I'm stopping the train now before it gets momentum!

Just like those who can never drink because one leads to another and another, I know I must always be vigilent with my fuel and training because an "I've earned it" meal becomes an "I've earned it" day, then week.

So today I commit 30...I will drop in for the next 30 days. I will tell my stories of run trianing, my non-scale-victories and my OMG Fails!  I will not fool myself, there will be fail days but here's hoping the bounce back is that of a super ball!