During my current round of DietBet games, I’m committing to 30 days of checking in-Good or Ugly

Day 4 of my commitment has found me all up in my head! 

The reason being I have a half marathon coming up and I need to train to be able to not die and finish the race while having a bit of true fun. I really needed to get up at 3:45am and run to my office today, but I didn’t---now I’m mad at me.

Before I headed off to bed I had crafted a plan B which was to run after work. (So I had already decided I wasn’t running in the morning if I am being truthful with myself.)  Go straight to the beach and run on the walkways there where it would be a bit cooler before a movie-on-the-beach date night. (The event organizers blow up a big screen and we sit in bean bags right on the sand! Tonight's feature is Nightmare Before Christmas.) Well, I didn’t pack anything I needed to take with me to work to see that plan through.

Then again, I do have a run date in the morning with a meet-up group so maybe I should just take today off and quit beating myself up. I have laundry and housework to do and the fall decorations I’ve been wanting to put out are sitting in the hall waiting for me too.

OK, so I need to decide on a plan and be over it! 

  1. Call the hubby, and let him throw together a bag for me
  2. Relax, breathe do the household chores and run hard tomorrow
  3. DO IT ALL--call the hubs let him pack the bag, go to the beach and run, do the movie date, run with the meet-up group Sunday morning and do the household chores after the group run! It is only a 6-mile run followed by a 2-mile walk…LOL and all this activity would burn a lot of calories!

I choose DO IT ALL!  Why not?  I don’t think I’d regret having fun! Decision made. It’s odd, isn't it how thinking it through makes the deciding so clear? The only worry now is food for the rest of this fun filled plan! Must have popcorn with a movie!