Good morning All,

  Well danged if that cupcake after the last challange didn't throw Me off for a bit. As soon as the weigh in was done I rewarded myself.. I rewarded Myself a bit too well!  I don't believe the extra food would have mattered if I'd thrown in a bit of extra dog walking.. My excuse is the new snow one day (which melted off quickly) and a big bull moose blocking the trail head another day. Yeap a moose and a big one. Loosing his velvet so he wasn't in a good mood. (PS I had a zoom lens don't get close to moose. They have killed folks)

  So I decided to join not one but two more challanges!  That should make Me brave enough to track (well) around the moose in the deepest snow.

Have a great day everyone and good luck with your challenge.  I belive after these next two games finish I'll start my own.  Maybe Titled running from Moose challenge ha ha

Cheers  Flash