Ah, the holidays!

The snow is falling, the lights are hung, the malls are packed with frantic shoppers. There's cheer in the air, dead trees in the house, and dieters everywhere are starting to sweat. 

Soon you'll be face to face with family and friends, and all of the sweets and treats they've made. There's always the Aunt, you know the one, who makes that special holiday treat that you absolutely Must have. It's a family tradition, she says. 

You politely decline. You see the look. The eyes narrow, the head tilts, the smile gets tight... Just one, she insists. 

You reach out, abashed and ashamed and take the treat. You'll find a neice or nephew to pawn it off on, you think. Clever, you! Except Aunt is looking at you expectantly. She's watching, waiting, staring you down. 

You look at the treat and mentally count the calories. You glance at the kitchen, the smells wafting through the house. You can eat the treat or have dinner, but not both. You start to sweat...

Ah, the holidays.


You're going to face "The Aunt" at least once this season, whether she's a co-worker, friend, literal aunt, or just well meaning old lady at that obligatory church event. She is the Ghost of Calories Still To Come.

You know the Ghost of Calories Past quite well. You know because they've been haunting you for years now. They sit around your waist line, and your thighs, and your butt, and that one pesky ghost in particular wiggles whenever you sneeze. You've been working on letting them go. You've been sweating them out, and cursing them out, since last Christmas. 

There is, of course, the Ghost of Calories Present, as well. You have these ones under control. This week's meal plans? You nailed it! But out of the corner of your eye, you see them lurking, creeping closer. You eyeball the pants with the elastic band waist, and think, I'll wear those... just in case. 


Plan! Plan ahead! Look those ghosts in the eye and say "Come at me, bro!" Because you, you ingenious creature, have a plan. 

The Aunt will offer the treat, and you'll say "No, thank you. I'm actually steering clear of the treats this holiday season. But if you'll let me have it, I'd love the recipe for a treat when I reach my goals!" She may decline, aghast at the idea of sharing her secrets, but you'll have abated her. You see, it's not her treat that's the problem, it's you! And well, you can handle that easily enough. 

And when the office party ghouls come creeping around, insisting you drink the punch *wink wink*, you can wink back and say you're already got a little something in your coffee, or tonic. Because you planned ahead! 

This year, you can have it all. You already know all the tips, and the tricks, and the tools. You just need to plan ahead to impliment them. 


And remember, you're allowed to say No!

You can even make your mother proud, and say "No, thank you!" 

This holiday season, you can make yourself proud, too. 

You've got this!