I love diebet it really helps to stay motivated knowing a weighin is coming soon. I have decided to weigh in every wedsnesday, but everytime i log in up comes the reminder to weigh in and i am like i know, i know, lol. But it helps to remind me that my weighin day is coming soon. I also love hearing everyones stories, see what other people are eating, seeing everyone's exercise and i love seeing all the recipes. I am always looking for new lowcal recipes.infact i am thinking of trying a new recipe tonight, curry chicken with broccoli. Also it is encouraging when i see otners that have lost alot of weight and kept it off. I am thinking about doing a maintance game after these games are over. I only see one upcoming maintance game but i think it starts towards the end of February so that will work i might need to join another game in the interim,  so if anyone has a game that has really motivated them and has alot of interaction let me know......Here is to another good week. This week has been great. I have done well with eating and exercising and my clothes are fitting looser.....yeah. Now I just have to stick with it and have another week like this . I lost 2 lbs the first 3 days, tomorrow is weighin day cant wait to see how i have done.