I just started both DietBet and Nutrisystem for the first time in a while. 

2017 was tough. My dad died, and work was awful.  So near the end I got a new job, and moved across the country -- but I also packed on some pounds.  I have played roller derby since 2012, but for the first time since then I don't officially belong to a team, and so I don't have a routine.  In general, I do not have the lifestyle I need to have.

So, here's how I'm changing that:

1. I did a StepBet in December.  It was mostly to build habits that are healthy, but I completed it successfully and as a bonus have a very happy dog who won't let me stop the twice-daily walks she's now accustomed to.

2. Nutri-system.  Yes, I know healthy habits blah blah blah learn to cook healthy blah blah.  Here's the deal: I'm still digging myself out from sadness related to the former job and my dad, and I have a whole new life to adjust to. Plus, I actually do know how to cook healthy, and to control my portions. I've just totally failed to do it for the last few months because it's too emotionally taxing. So, bring on the pre-packaged garbage so I can break the cycle!  So far i'm on day 4. It's going fine, except that since I've been eating way too much I am hungry all the time. Obviously that will subside as I keep going.  Which I will.  Because...

3. DietBet!  I did this same DietBet this year roughly around the same time, which is the Get Lean in 2018 with Heidi and Chris Dietbet.  I enjoy that it's a large game, with prizes and whatnot.  I'm using it to reinforce my healthy behaviors and keep me on track. So far I am almost to my goal weight, just a few days in...but we all know how easy it is to justify cheating and wavering.  So, here's to reinforcement, and economic incentives.

Finally, 4. Roller derby. It's me, man.  It is who I am.  As imprtantly, once there's a routine, it's a solid, great two-hour workout 2-4 days a week.  I've been exploring my flat track and banked track options, and I'm trying out for two teams in January. Wish me luck!