This morning, I did a Zumba class. Now, I am terrible at Zumba. I am terrible at all dance classes and fitness activities that don't actually entail interacting with other people.  I am strong and I have high endurance, but I do not have coordination, and I generally flop around a lot energetically instead of transitioning gracefully through the official moves. But you know, I do it anyway.

1. I used to feel conspicuous, because of said clumsiness. But who am I doing this for, me or the spectators?  I mean...I pay for it.  So the point is it benefits me.  I better get value from my time.

2. And the benefits are awesome. I find that classes tend to help me with balance, endurance, and that all-elusive grace.  A lot of dance class moves equate reasonably well to fast feet on the derby track, as well. To get more of it, I ty to make sure that I am keeping my heart rate up and maintaining a solid rhythm. And it pays off.