This is not my first Rodeo, nor my first DietBet.  Here are my tips for getting the steps in and the activity up:

1. I have a Fitbit, which reminds me to move every hour between 9 and 6.  While a FitBit is not necessary, keep in mind that consistent activity is as good or better than big bursts of activity.

2.Exercise early, exercise often.  I am not a morning person.  But I have an old dog who likes to walk around the block. So when I get up, she's ready to help me get 2,000 or so steps in.

3. Think up inefficient ways to do things. For example, my office is on the 10th floor, and so is the bathroom.  But there's also a bathroom on the 6th floor, and the 4th.  So I alternate between them, and therefore climb 20+ flights of stairs every day.