Last week was tough.  I held my own scale-wise (gained like a pound. Shrugs), but I really struggled with my diet.  Not in the sense that I cheated a lot, but I haven't felt good in a week.  Is this Nutri-system or a stomach bug of some sort? 

However, I am sort of getting the keys to success nailed down.  Here they are:

1. Do your exercise, any exercise.  I'm busy, and I do a lot of different things. I also have a chronic disease which means that sometimes I feel terrible. I do the work anyway. I make a Plan, and a Plan B.  Plan C is walking my dog.  But Plan C is better than Plan D -- vegging out on the couch and not getting the benefits of consistent exercise.

2. Treat yo self.  Gonna cheat?  Cheat like you mean it, meaning briefly and purposely, and consuming something that you can't eat on your diet but which is highly satisfying.  Not every day. But seriously.  Like, once a week. Really go for it. And then turn back to your discipline and get started on the plan again.

3. What do you really care about?  It turns out I don't care about a lot of stuff that routinely shows up on my plate if I'm in a public place, like bread. So I don't waste calories on it.  I also remind myself that I care about getting healthier and dropping weight -- even more than I care about any number of interesting but not super delicious things that would impact my diet longer than they make me happy.

4. Volumetrics is real, man. Don't skimp on the veggies.

Related note: Gotta find a mexican place with a good veggie burrito!