Do I want this?  Heck yes!

Do I have a reason for doing this?  Multiple!

Do I want to not only make this a way of life, but also a career opportunity?  You know it!


Then why can't I get past my own head?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


I am my only barrier, I know I am my only barrier, but I can't seem to bust through.  I still am throwing out all of the excuses to NOT follow my meal plan, or to exercise consistently.  I'll do great for a few days, then, well, I won't. 


Be they physical or emotional, I'm researching every day the best techniques to get past them.  Once I figure out how to make it work for me, I'm going to work on my husband! :)