So, I've been following Fatgirlfed up on Insta for a long time now and following her story.  Although I'm always inspired by her thoughts and advice, I've been too timid to give this DietBet a try. I've read other peoples posts about how it's a fun way to lose weight (like "fun" and "lose weight" even go in the same sentence!) and I've seen the before and after pictures and thought to myself "why can't I do this???"

In January of this year, I was diagnosed with Hasimoto Thyroid Disease and Thyroid Cancer.  I had my full thyroid removed and have been taking the dreaded little pill Levothyroxine since, along with blood work every 6 weeks until my doctor is happy with my levels.  I don't know if I will ever be "happy" with my levels... I haven't felt the same since surgery and I often times wonder if I ever will feel "normal" again in my lifetime.   I struggle daily with arthritic pain in my joints and muscles, fatigue and weight gain.  It's as if I don't even know how to feel GOOD anymore.

Since my surgery, my husband and I have tried the Keto diet, where I lost the same 7lbs over agan over again.  I finally got fed up with the struggle to cook every night and felt too restricted with what I could and could not eat, so I went back to the infamous Weight Watchers plan.  I've had good success with it in the past, but things are definitely different now with the new cards I've been dealt with.   It's like this weight I've accumulated over the years is more difficult to get rid of.

So.... today I am biting the bullet and signing up for my FIRST EVER DIETBET!!!

I want to be the woman my husband fell in love with 3 years ago.  I was smaller then, by about 30 pounds and I was able to be more physical and be energetic.  I know he's got to be disappointed in me becasue I'm definitely disappointed in myself.  So, with that being said, that is MY WHY.   I am not only doing it so that I can feel better, but for my husband, so he can be proud of me and proud to call me his wife.

I am super excited about being a part of something with others in the same boat as I am.  I'm eager to cheer people on and be cheered on by others.  I can do this... I CAN and I WILL!

#4%isnothing #icandothis #wifepower #strivingtobeabetterwife