30 days ago...I was frustrated, and didn't know how I got where I was - up 10 pounds over the summer, and hardly any of my clothes fit. 

I saw a friend post about dietbet, and within a week, I created a game with some friends, and dove in, headfirst. I tracked every single bite. I drank so much water I thought I might pop. I walked between 8,000 and 10,000 steps. every. single. day. And... it worked! My first dietbet, I lost 8 pounds. That was a great kickstart, and it has really caused me to reflect on this weight increase.

When I stop to think about it, of course I know how I got here!!! First, a year ago, I met the love of my life and got super happpyyyyyyy and thought I didn't need to track anything, and eating out 3-4 times a week was perfectly okay! (Ha!) I trained for and finished my first half marathon in February, so my eating habits were probably masked by my high level of exercise. Then, after the half marathon, I stopped running. Literally, just stopped. Not in any kind of slow way, my eating habits caught up with my body. Then I had a really stressful few months between a career change, moving, and an emotionally draining summer job nannying. I ate, and drank, and ate and drank some more. 

So. There I was. Beginning of August/end of the summer. in a really really really bad place, emotionally and physically. 

THEN I FOUND DIETBET! hahaha. but seriously. I love it! It's such a clear goal, and I feel so focused towards my goals. The first one went so well, and I have every intention of meeting this goal, and maybe even another one after that. IT'S NOT AN OPTION! I want my closet and dresser BACK! :)


I'm running again, under the direction of my doctor so that I don't injure my back again. 

If you're still reading, thanks. 

Here's to you, DB. And here's to ME...recognizing a problem, and finding a solution that works for me.