I've mastered the Law of Distraction!  I would do anything before I did my workout - including cleaning the bathrooms or frig (both are dreaded tasks on on-work out days).  Everything else seemed to more important or desirable than working out.  On the mornings that I had planned to work out I would wake up, immediately out on my workout clothes then sit in front of my computer just to do a little bit of work only to remain there all day.  Most days I thought I didn't have time to take care of myself - Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!!  What was really going on was that my default behavior stepped in, which was to seek significance, immediate accomplishment or comfort.  Self-care, working out or eating right didn't meet those needs nor provide immediate results.  The empowered feeling I got when I did workout never lasted until the next workout.  Eating well - well comfort was the driving factor there when someone hurt my feelings or aggravated me, I sought comfort in a quick snack.  The funny thing is when I had a partner to workout with, I showed up - Eager and Ready!!  I didn't want to disappoint anyone.

So - where do I go from here!  Once you have awareness (and sharing this post with others) makes it just a bit more difficult to go back to the old ways.  On my desk I have posted a large note "Is what I am doing now getting me any closer to my goals?"  If my answer is No - then I will do something different that will get me closer to my goal.  Today I got 2 lbs closer to my goal.  YeeHa!