On March 30th of this year, I did the unthinkable: I finished the Biggest Loser Half Marathon that I had signed up for months before.  Not only did I finish, but I managed to do so without stopping to walk.  I had hoped to make it nine miles.  I made it all the way.

Three days shy of six months later, I couldn't run a mile if a zombie was chasing me.  I've gained back all my weight that I had lost in training for the half marathon, plus some.  I'm the heaviest I have ever been.

I joined a gym over the summer.  I go on a pretty regular basis.  I love their zumba classes, and have used the cardio equipment a time or two.  I'm just having a really hard time getting back into eating right, and running.

I look back over the last six months, and I wonder sometimes how I let it happen yet again.  I went from being the healthiest I've ever been to being the biggest I've ever been.  And I realize, I let myself get too busy for me.  Work got in the way.  Responsibility got in the way.  And I know better.  I have to make time for me.

So here I go again.  Yet another weight loss endeavor.  As usual, I'm hoping this one sticks.