To be successful in this Dietbet, and in all my goals, I try to make my goals as concrete as possible. I leave for a week at the beach near the end of the Dietbet, so swimsuit season is totally on my mind. I've made it a goal to run 50 miles before I leave on Aug 16. Today I ran 3 more, bringing my total to 9 since I started last Thursday. I'm coming off a broken ankle in April, so this is epecially meaningful to me.

After my run, I did a resistance band workout for my legs (20 kickbacks each legs, back and forth the room 3 times with the band around the aknles, 50 butterfyly pulses), 20 squats with a kettle bell, 20 deadlifts with a kettle bell, 20 situps with a a kettle bell (ouch), 10 ab twists each side with kettle bell, 20 girl style pushups, and a 30 second plank. Excited to see how I improve. 

Today, I plan to keep my nutrition spot on and healthy, and to keep positive. 

Happy Monday, dietbettors!