So I already posted about this in the game, but I figured I'd write my first blog post about it, as well!

I don't like heights. It's gotten worse as I've gotten older and have more understanding of the risks and consequences involved with falling from a high place (same with flying...).

Regardless, I climbed a mountain! We were on our honeymoon, and my husband wanted to climb at least one of the peaks in Acadia Nat'l Park. We chose the 'South Bubble' near Jordan Pond (if anyone else is familiar!).

Turns out there are two ways up the mountain. We chose the 'hard' way without really realizing it...  

It was basically straight up large granite boulders, and at the top it was pretty much just rock climbing with no ropes. Super awesome. And by awesome, I mean terrifying. Ha. I was repeating a mantra out loud for the last of the ascent: "This is okay. People do this." I had to keep repeating that in order to convince myself that what I was doing was normal and safe and that I would be okay.

I cried twice (okay, maybe thrice!), once we reached the top couldn't really stand up straight for the longest time out of fear, and I kept yelling at Graham (my husband) to get back from the 'edge' - which wasn't actually an edge, but appeared to be from my vantage point safely in the middle of the top plateau. 

Despite that - I am so glad I went. 

As we were sitting alone at the top, taking in that magnificent view you see above, the first person who joined us at the top just so happened to be from our hometown in Southern Indiana - what a small world, right?! After we chatted with our new friend, we took some photos, explored a bit, then hiked back down. We finished up our trail, then had an amazing lunch at the Jordan Pond House (an Acadia staple!).  It was one the most amazing hikes I've ever been on. 

Climbing that mountain is something I'm proud of. I would never have done it on my own. I think the same thing goes for anything that's hard - like losing weight. 

Sometimes things start out easily. You're motivated! You're excited! But then it gets hard. Maybe it gets hard right before you're almost done and you just feel stuck. Maybe you even want to turn around. 


Stick it out. Keep climbing. Get yourself a mantra and repeat it to yourself over and over. Maybe even shed a few tears...

Then, take a deep breath. Look up. And soldier on. Even if you move slowly and need someone to lend you a hand, you can still make it. Because once you get to the top, the view is pretty marvelous. :)