Here I am one year later than my last DietBet and 30 lbs heavier.  I'm the heaviest I've been in my life but I need to look at the reality of my situation.  I have not one but 3 injuries currently that prevent me from doing load barring cardio.  I work an extremely stressful job.  I'm so busy I'm never at home and often rely on buying food on the go.


What I'm doing to change my situation:


 - Got in physical therapy for my injuries - been 3 times already and keeping on top of my at home exercises

 - Switched my work schedule to make more time for the things I need in my life like exercise and doctors appointments

 - Been on a mostly liquid diet for 14 days as of today.  Down 4 lbs.  It's a start at least.

 - Began doing Soul Cycle.  Have been 4 times in the last week :).

 - Took up laps swimming for the first time in 6 years.  Finding it challenging but focusing on form helps my physical therapy.

 - Try to spend at least 2 early mornings a week at the beach to do stretching.  Helps remind me that there is more to life than work.

 - Started taking classes again in the dream I'm pursuing.

 - Working on positive affirmations daily

 - Spending a little more time a week fitting in friend time.


Here's to continuing those changes and adding more to my life as I go through this new DietBet.  I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my life but nothing is permanant.  I CAN change my situation.