Lost my Diet Bet 4, even though I was under weight but when officially weigh in rolled around, too much.  Then, ran a 1/2 marathon that weekend, weighed in on a family members scale.  Was way under my month 1 of my DietBet 10.  Drive home, wake up the next morning, and scale sky rockets.  Fight to get below my DietBet 10 and just make it in time for weigh in.  I can gain and lose 5lbs repeatedly forever, or at leat the gain.  I seem to gain just by blinking or looking at food, then have to work like crazy to lose it...just want that scale to keep going DOWN!  Need to lose about 10 times that much weight!  I know weight loss isn't instantaneous but a little consistancy would be good.

Prayers to get on track!

Goals for month 2:

  • Increase mileage: 75/month
  • Add in weights 3x/week.
  • Limit weekend fluxes in weight/diet
  • Decrease diet soda, increase water intake

