In 2013 I lost my job and made the most of not working for the first time in 30 years, by traveling, dieting and exercising. I managed to loose weight and spend some time with family, however not near as much as I would have had I known I would loose those so near and dear to me. While I though 2014 would have to be a better year, it has managed to prove me wrong. It has been a rough year this year. As I started a new job the 1st of March, my father-in-law suffered a stroke and heart attack and my husband had to be rushed home from his job in Afghanistan. A couple of weeks later his father  passed and he returned to his overseas job. Little did I know that six months later, his next deployment would be postponed and I would be reeling from the loss of my own father. My dad had been putting up a valiant fight for the last 5 years against cancer and the ravages of agent orange from his service in Vietnam 40 plus years ago.. I buried my father October 6, one day before my 49th birthday. My husband returned to the "sand box" 4 days ago and I find myself sad and alone. Unfortunately, the stress of a new job and to much loss I have managed to undo all I had worked for. So, I'm facing my weight gain and I'm putting on my big girl panties and giving my health and weight loss battle the same valiant fight my father gave to be here as long as his body would allow.. This is for you dad.. I will not fail!