Now that I am on this "going to the gym" kick, I decided that it was time to revisit with the trainer at the gym.  I want to get a more structured program with my strength training (right now it's random machines, doing 2-3 sets of 12 reps).  So, I make an appointment to meet with the trainer at 5:30 yesterday afternoon.  I left work early, battled traffic, and got to the gym in time to change and be ready by 5:30.  When I got to the counter, I asked where I should meet him.

"Oh, he's not here", says the girl behind the counter.

"What?!  I signed up last week to meet with him tonight."

"Yeah, well they just opened up a new gym over in Western Hills, and he's splitting his time between here and there."

"Okay, so then why didn't anyone call me?"

*shakes head* "I'm sorry."

"So, when will he be back?"

"Don't know, but I would have to guess about 3 weeks or so."

So I guess for the time being I will do some research and figure out a plan on my own.

I still did a workout yesterday, even if it wasn't with the trainer.  I tried the stationary bike for the first time.  Only made it 15 minutes.  I could have gone for much longer, but MAN those bike seats are HARD!  How do people do it??  They must have more cushion or something because it was quite uncomfortable.  Either that or I'm losing some of my cushion, which is perfectly fine with me!!  And, this morning when I sat down in my office chair.... OUCH!!  Holy Sore Bum, Batman!!

I finished out my workout with 20 minutes on the elliptical, so I felt like I got a decent cardio workout done. 

This weekend will be an easy weekend, as I will be cleaning my house to get ready for company coming next weekend.  My aunt and uncle are coming in town to go to Halloween Haunt with us on Saturday.  It should be a lot of fun, and I can't wait to walk around the park and not feel winded or sore or sluggish like I used to before starting my journey. 

Have a great weekend everyone.... and watch out for those bike seats!!