I decided I wasn't going to have any Halloween candy this year.

And I did it. I haven't opened a single one.

My cheat was eating two of my MILs cookies that, for some reason, had sour skittles baked into them.

So I've had 6 skittles. Still pretty impressive.

Last night, with giant buckets of candy and open candy containers, I managed to avoid it all. 

Even my delicious homemade pizzas were avoided until every other guest had enjoyed a slice or two. 

When I was hungry, I snacked on one or two whole-grain chips or fresh watermelon and pineapple.

I thought I was some sort of self-control super hero. I can resist anything (I told myself).

Flash forward to 4am and I'm laying in agony with horrific stomach pains. A stomach virus or food poisoning...whatever it is, I believe it is responsible for my amazing self control. 

Blah...at least I still didn't have any candy!